Sage, Blue Hill
Garden |
Salvia nemerosa 'Blue Hill' |
This smaller perennial has dark purple flowers in spikes
all summer. Drought tolerant; will grow in dry soil. |
- lavender
blue |
H x W - 18 - 24" |
3G |
Sage, Longin
Russian |
Perovskia atriplicifolia 'Longin' |
Longin Russian Sage has pretty lavender blue flowers & a
shrubby sprawling habit. Drought tolerant; will grow in dry soil. |
- lavender
blue |
H x W - 3 - 4' |
3G |
Sage, May Night |
Salvia 'May Night' |
A signature plant for late spring and early
summer with its tall, colorful, indigo-blue flower spikes rising above
gray-green, oblong, clump-forming foliage. |
- purple |
H x W - 18"x24" |
3G |
Sage, Snow Hill
Garden |
Salvia nemerosa 'Snow Hill' |
The white version of the above, this one stays a little
smaller. Drought tolerant; will grow in dry soil. |
- white |
H x W - 12 - 18" |
3G |
Holly, Blue Cap |
Eryngium planum 'Blaukappe' |
This unique perennial features steel
blue - purple spiky flowers in summer. Does not like being transplanted once
planted. Can be dried. |
- blue - purple |
H x W - 2 - 3' |
2G |
Autumn Joy |
Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Joy' |
Pretty rose - pink flowers top gray - green fleshy
foliage in late summer. Prefers dry soil but will tolerate moist soils.
Drought - tolerant. |
- rose - pink |
H x W - 2' |
3G |
Brilliant |
Sedum spectabile 'Brilliant' |
Similar to Autumn Joy, this one has neon pink fleshy
foliage in late summer. Prefers dry soil but will tolerate moist soils.
Drought - tolerant. |
- pink |
H x W - 2' |
3G |
Frosty Morn |
Sedum spectabile 'Frosty Morn' |
A unique Sedum with cream & green variegated foliage. Icy
pink flowers. Prefers dry soil but will tolerate moist soils.
Drought - tolerant. |
- pink |
H x W - 1' |
3G |
Rosy Glow |
Sedum 'Rosy Glow' |
A great groundcover for hot, dry places. Prefers dry soil but will tolerate moist soils.
Drought - tolerant. |
- rose - pink |
H x W - 6" |
3G |
Shadbush (Serviceberry) |
Amelanchier canadensis |
This native tree has white flowers in spring & purple red
fruits. Orange, red & yellow fall color. Use in woodland garden or as a
specimen. Drought - tolerant. |
- white |
H x W - 10 - 25' |
N |
4 - 5' |
Carolina |
Halesia tetraptera (carolina) |
Another native, Silverbell has white bell shaped flowers in
spring. Yellow fall color. Use as a specimen. Somewhat drought & salt - tolerant. |
- white |
H x W - 25 - 50' |
N |
1 1/2" 15G |
Skimmia, Japanese |
Skimmia japonica |
A slow-growing, rounded shrub with red-maroon
buds that open to creamy white flowers in April. Bright red fruit appears
in October and lasts until the following spring. |
- white |
H x W - 4'x4' |
10"-12" 3G |
Smoke bush, Royal
Purple |
Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' |
Smoke bush blooms look like purple red puffs of smoke,
covering this shrub or small tree in spring & summer. Pretty purple foliage.
Drought tolerant; somewhat salt tolerant. |
- white |
H x W - 25 - 50' |
1 1/2" 15G |
Snowbell, Japanese |
Styrax japonicus |
A small, upright, low-branched tree with
spreading branches that are covered with 3/4" white, bell-shaped flowers in
May-June. |
- white |
H x W - 25'x25' |
3'-4' B&B |
Solomon's Seal,
Variegated |
Polygonatum odoratum 'Variegatum' |
This shade loving perennial has attractive green & white
foliage & white bell shaped flowers that hang along the undersides of the
arching stems. |
- white |
H x W - 18 - 36" |
3G |
Speedwell, Blue Fox |
Veronica spicata 'Blue Fox' |
Ever - blooming flowers of purple blue top this
small plant in summer. Drought tolerant. Remove spent flower spikes to
encourage more flowers. |
purple blue |
H x W - 15" |
2G |
Spirea, Anthony Waterer |
Spirea bumalda 'Anthony Waterer' |
A dense-growing, attractive, easy care plant with
foliage that flushes pink before turning a pleasant blue-green. Rose-red,
flat head flowers emerge in late June. |
- rose red |
H x W - 4'x6' |
3G |
Bridalwreath |
Spiraea prunifolia |
A well - known shrub from our grandmother's garden,
Bridalwreath has clusters of small, white flowers in spring. Coppery orange
& yellow fall color. |
- white |
H x W - 4 - 10' |
30 - 36" 3G |
Spirea, Golden Elf |
Spirea japonica 'Golden Elf' |
Tiny and fine-textured with golden-yellow foliage
that doesn't burn in the sun. Tight, globular spreading form with sporadic
pinkish-red flowers May thru June. |
- pink |
H x W - 12"x36" |
3G |
Spirea, Goldmound |
Spirea bumalda 'Goldmound' |
Bright yellow foliage throughout spring and
summer with pink flowers in June and July. Pinkish-red fall color. |
- pink |
H x W - 3'x5' |
3G |
Little Princess |
Spiraea japonica 'Little Princess' |
This dense, mounded little shrub has bright
pink flowers in June and July. Low - maintenance plant. Prune back in early
spring. Remove spent flowers for possible second bloom. |
- pink |
H x W - 2 - 3' x 3 - 4' |
3G |
Magic Carpet |
Spiraea bumalda 'Magic Carpet' |
This groundcover shrub has orange - red foliage
maturing to gold with flowers in summer. See pruning info above. |
- dark
pink |
H x W - 18" |
3G |
Mellow Yellow |
Spiraea thunbergii 'Mellow Yellow' |
This small shrub has golden yellow foliage that
fades to green and pink flowers. See pruning info above. |
- white |
H x W - 3 - 5' x 3 - 5' |
3G |
Spirea, Pink Parasols |
Spirea fritschiana 'Pink Parasols" |
An easy care shrub that boasts tightly packed
blue-green foliage and a dense, mounding habit. In June, big umbrellas of
buds open to masses of fluffy pink flowers. |
- pink |
H x W - 3'-4' |
15"-18", 18"-24" |
Spirea, Shirobana |
Spirea japonica ' Shibori' |
Compact and spreading, this variety has unique
blooms with both rose-pink and white flower heads appearing on the same plant
starting in mid-June. |
- 3'x5' |
H x W - 3'x5' |
3G |
Snowstorm |
Spiraea thunbergii 'Mellow Yellow' |
A dwarf shrub, Snowstorm is covered in white flowerheads in
May. Prune in spring before growth begins. |
- white |
H x W - 3 - 4' |
3G |
Vanhoutte |
Spiraea x vanhouttei |
This rounded shrub with arching branches is covered in
clusters of tiny white flowers in spring. Tolerates some drought & salt. |
- white |
H x W - 6 - 10' |
24-30" |
Baby Alberta |
Picea glauca 'Conica Baby' |
Baby Alberta Spruce has a rounded, dense shape. Tolerates
temperature extremes well. |
H x W - 4 - 6 x 2 - 3' |
3'-3.5' B&B |
Bird Nest |
Picea abies 'Nidiformis' |
Bird's Nest Spruce is a low - growing broad shrub
with dark green foliage. Very slow - growing. Prune in early spring. |
H x W - 3 - 6' |
3G |
Spruce, Blue Fastigiata |
Picea pungens glauca "Iseli Fastigiata' |
Narrow, dense, conical shape with blue needles.
Good for windbreaks and is drought tolerant. |
H x W - 35'x7' |
30"-36" B&B |
Colorado Blue |
Picea pungens 'Glauca' |
Always popular, Colorado Blue Spruce has silvery blue
needles & the perfect 'Christmas tree' shape. |
H x W - 35 - 60' |
N |
30 - 36" |
4 - 5' |
6 - 7' |
Dwarf Alberta |
Picea glauca 'Conica' |
This very slow growing ('dwarf') tree has a
very fine texture with soft green needles. Use as specimen. Is
often planted under eaves of house where lack of direct contact with rain
can aid in spider mite infestations. Plant in shade or out in open. |
H x W - 10 - 12' |
N |
18 - 24" |
30 - 36" |
36 - 42" |
Spruce, Dwarf Globe Blue Spruce |
Picea pungens glauca 'Globosa' |
A dwarf, globe-shaped conifer with stiff,
blue-green needles. |
H x W - 4'x4' |
24"-30" 10G |
Fat Albert Blue |
Picea pungens 'Fat Albert' |
Fat Albert has an upright, pyramidal shape & bright silver
blue foliage. |
H x W - 20 - 40' |
N |
5 - 6' |
Spruce, Prostrate Colorado Blue |
Picea pungens glauca 'Prostrata' |
A dwarf, low-growing variety with stiff,
blue-green needles that is wider than it is tall. |
H x W - 2'-3'x3'-4' |
30"-36" B&B |
Spruce, Norway |
Picea abies |
Fast-growing conifer with stiff, dark green
branches. Pyramidal shaped when young. Branches droop gracefully with
maturity |
H x W - 60'x40' |
5'-6' |
St. John's Wort, Sunburst |
Hypericum frondosum 'Sunburst' |
A dense-growing selection with glossy blue-green
foliage and showy, bright golden-yellow flowers that appear in mid-June and last
into October. |
- yellow |
H x W - 3'-4' |
N |
3G |
Stokesia, Blue Danube |
Stokesia laevis 'Blue Danube" |
The large, full, lilac blossoms are serrated and
make a good cut flower. Prefers filtered sun and well-drained soil.
Blooms from July until frost. |
- lilac |
H x W - 24"x24" |
3G |
Sunflower, Thin Leaved |
Helianthus decapetalus |
Profuse, 3", light yellow flowers in
late summer. Parent plant of a number of Helianthus hybrids. |
- yellow |
H x W - 4'-7'x2' |
N |
3G |
Sweetgum |
Liquidamber styraciflua |
Sweetgum has large star - shaped leaves that turn orange,
red, purple & yellow in fall. Somewhat drought & salt tolerant. |
H x W - 50'+ |
N |
2" |
Sweet Pepperbush,
Hummingbird |
Clethra alnifolia 'Hummingbird' |
This cultivar of our native shrub features fragrant white
flowers on a compact shrub in late summer. Seed clusters resemble
peppercorns. Prefers moist soil & shade from afternoon sun. Somewhat
drought & salt tolerant. Will tolerate some flooding. |
- white |
H x W - 2 - 3' |
N |
2.5 - 3' |
Sweet Pepperbush, Native |
Clethra 'alnifolia' |
A native shrub that grows in wet areas as well as
seashore conditions. Fragrant white flowers bloom in July - August. |
- white |
H x W - 6' -8' |
5G |
Sweet Pepperbush,
Ruby Spice |
Clethra alnifolia 'Ruby Spice' |
This form of Sweet Pepperbush grows slightly taller than
'Hummingbird' & has medium pink, fragrant flowers. See above for other info. |
- dark
pink |
H x W - 3 - 6' |
N |
2 2 1/2' 3G |
2.5 - 3'30 - 36" 3G |
5G |
Sweet Pepperbush,
Sixteen Candles |
Clethra alnifolia 'Sixteen Candles' |
This cultivar has creamy white flowers on a smaller shrub. See above for other info. |
- white |
H x W - 3 - 5' |
N |
15 - 18" 3G |