=Flower Color =Full Sun =Part Sun =Full Shade =Attracts Hummingbirds =Attracts Butterflies   =Tolerates Moist Soil =Attracts Birds =Salt / Coastal Tolerant = Deer Resistant = Evergreen =Does well in pots =Suitable for Cuttings =Has Fragrance

General Plant Information

Click on a letter below to see in depth info for each plant

(Please note that this is NOT a list of our plant material on hand, just plant information)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W - Z

Abelia, Glossy
Abelia x grandiflora
Evergreen to semi - deciduous shrub with beautiful white to pink flowers all summer into fall.
- white to pink H x W - 4 - 6’ x same 4G

Amsonia, Montana
Amsonia 'Montana'
Smaller version of  A. tabernaemontana that doesn't require pruning.  Light-blue, star-shaped flowers over glossy, slender leaves that turn yellow in the fall.
-  light blue H x W -  24"x24"                         3G    


Pieris japonica
This shrub, with a final height of 9'+', has beautiful white flowers in spring.
- white H x W - 9-12' x 6' 2 - 2 1/2' 5G

 Andromeda, Blue Ice
Pieris polifolia 'Blue Ice''

This is a low mounding shrub with excellent blue, rosemary-like foliage. From May to July pinkish-white, urn-like flowers appear.

- white to pink H x W - 2' x 2'   2G

Andromeda, Brouwer's Beauty
Pieris japonica 'brouwer's beauty'
 Dense, shiny, dark-green foliage with purplish-red buds that open to white flowers in April.
- white H x W - 8' x 8'                             24"-30"    

Andromeda, Compacta

Pieris japonica 'Compacta'
This version of Andromeda has the same white flowers in spring on a smaller shrub .
- white H x W - 4 - 8' x 3 -6' 21 - 24" 5G

Andromeda, Dorothy Wyckoff

Pieris japonica 'Dorothy Wyckoff'
This shrub, with a final height of 3 - 5', has beautiful dark red buds opening to pale pink flowers.
- pale pink H x W - 3 - 5' x 3' 18 - 24"
21 -24" 5G

Andromeda, Historyland Supreme

Pieris japonica 'Historyland Supreme'
This shrub, with a final height of 3 - 5', has beautiful dark red buds opening to pale pink flowers.
- pale pink H x W - 3 - 5' x 3' 21 - 24" 5G

Andromeda, Mountain Fire

Pieris japonica 'Mountain Fire'
This shrub, known for its fiery red new foliage, has white flowers.
- white H x W - 9 - 12' x 6'+ 18 - 24"

Andromeda, Red Head
Pieris japonica 'Red Head'
This shrub's red new growth matures to green with clusters of fragrant, white flowers in late March thru April.
- white H x W - 6'x6'   24"-30"

Andromeda, Red Mill
Pieris japonica 'Red Mill'
A compact, bushy shrub that flowers later than most of the species. New growth emerges red which contrasts with the mature leathery green foliage.
- white H x W - 8'x5'   21"-24"

Andromeda, Valley Fire
Pieris japonica 'Valley Fire'
Vivid red new growth and more vigorous than other japonica cultivars.  White, urn-shaped flowers in April-May.  Tolerates higher soil pH but not wet or drought conditions. 
- white H x W - 12'x8'                         21"-24"    

Andromeda, Valley Rose

Pieris japonica 'Valley Rose'
Tall open shrub with pastel pink flowers. Use in a woodland garden or as a foundation planting in an eastern exposure.
- rosy pink H x W - 9'+ 18 - 21" 5G

Anemone, Party Dress
Anemone x Hybrida, 'Party Dress'
Unique double pink flowers over attractive glossy green foliage. 
-pink H x W - 20"x36"                         2G    

Anemone, September Charm
Anemone Hupehensis "September Charm"
Single, rose-pink flowers that are darker on the outside.  Low maintenance.
-  rose-pink H x W - 3'-3'                           2G    

Arborvitae, American
Thuja occidentalis 'American'
This elegant, pyramidal evergreen has a slow to medium growth rate and requires almost no care.
  H x W - 60'x12'                     6'-7'& 7'-8'    

Arborvitae, Berckman's Golden

Thuja orientalis 'Aurea Nana'
This globe - shaped dense dwarf Arborvitae has golden - green foliage. Very cold and winter - hardy. Will eventually grow larger than 5'.
H x W - 5'+ x 3 - 4'

3' B&B

Arborvitae, Brandon

Thuja occidentalis 'Brandon'
This Arborvitae features a fairly narrow columnar habit & nice green foliage. Use as a specimen or for screening purposes.
H x W - 12 - 20' x 4 - 6' N 5-6'

Arborvitae, Emerald Green

Thuja occidentalis 'Emerald'
This narrow, pyramidal tree has foliage of a bright green. Very useful as a small hedge with no pruning necessary or as a foundation planting. Very cold and winter - hardy.
H x W - 10 - 15' x 3 - 4' N 3 - 4' B&B
5 - 6' B&B
7 - 8' B&B

Arborvitae, Giant

Thuja plicata
This impressive Arb has glossy green foliage & pendulous branches. Reaches impressive sizes over time. Very cold and winter - hardy.
H x W - 50 - 75' x 20' N 5 - 6'
6 - 7'

Arborvitae, Green Giant

Thuja plicata 'Green Giant'
This beautiful, medium green Arborvitae develops a dense pyramidal form. Definitely an impressive tree for the landscape!
H x W - 30 - 40' x 15' 6-7'

Arborvitae, Globe

Thuja occidentalis 'Globosa'
This smaller, rounder version of an Arborvitae can be used as a low hedge or as a foundation plant. Keeps a very nice shape without pruning.

H x W - 4 - 6' x 4 - 6' N 3'Heavy

Arborvitae, Hetz Midget

Thuja occidentalis 'Hetz Midget'
This diminutive version of Globe Arborvitae can be used as a low hedge or as a foundation plant. Keeps a very nice shape without pruning.
H x W - 2 - 4' x 4 - 6' N 12-15" 3G

Arborvitae, Nigra Eastern

Thuja occidentalis 'Nigra'
This cultivar of our native Arborvitae has dark green foliage and a nice shape. Tolerates some flooding, drought & slight salt exposure.
H x W - 25 - 40' x 8 - 12' N 4 - 5'
5 - 6'

Arborvitae, Russian (Microbiota)

Microbiota decussata
This cultivar of our native Arborvitae has dark green foliage and a nice shape. Tolerates some flooding, drought & slight salt exposure.
H x W - 6 - 10" x 5' 15 - 18" 2G
18 - 24" 3G

Arborvitae, Techny
Thuja occidentalis 'Techny'
A slow- growing, broad pyramidal with year-round very dark green foliage that is extremely dense. Cold tolerant.
  H x W - 15'x7'                             5'-6'    

Aronia, Iroquois Beauty
Aronia melanocarpa 'Iroquois Beauty'
A compact, native North American plant with white spring flowers, shiny foliage and brilliant red fall color.
- white H x W - 3'x3'                         3G    

Aronia, Red Chokeberry
Aronia arbutifolia 'Brilliantissima'
Upright-growing with shiny, dark-green leaves that turn brilliant red in fall.  White flowers in May are followed by bright red, persistent bunches of berries in autumn.
- white H x W - 10'x5'                   N 4G    

Artemisia, Silver Mound
Artemesia schmidtiana 'Silver mound'
Velvety silver cushions look great in a rock garden or border.  Requires full sun but excess heat and humidity will cause "melt out".
  H x W - 12"x12"                               3G    

Aster, Alert

Aster novae-angliae 'Alert'
'Alert' Aster will knock your socks off with its vivid fuchsia-red flowers.
- fuchsia red H x W - 15" N 3G

Aster, Blue Wood
Aster cordifolius 'blue wood'
Clouds of blue flowers in early Fall in the shade.  A great naturalizer under trees or as a filler among Hostas and Astilbe.
- blue H - 2'-4'                       N 3G    

Aster, Purple Dome

Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome'
'Purple Dome' is a beautiful Aster with bright purple flowers in late summer.
- purple H x W - 15" N 3G

Aster, Smooth
Symphyotrichum laeve 'Smooth Aster'  OR Aster laevis 'Bluebird'
Big cone-shaped clusters of single violet-blue flowers with golden-yellow centers appear on the top half of a vase-shaped clump of perfectly clean foliage.
- violet-purple H - 2'-3'                           3G    

Astilbe, Bridal Veil

Astilbe x arendsii 'Bridal Veil'
This spring-blooming shade plant has white, fragrant flowers. Pretty in a woodland garden with ferns.
- white H x W - 2' 3G

Astilbe, Cattleya

Astilbe x arendsii 'Cattleya'
This spring-blooming shade plant has pink, fragrant flowers. Pretty in a woodland garden with ferns.
- pink H x W - 2' 3G

Astilbe, Dwarf

Astilbe chinensis 'Pumila'
The flowers on this Astilbe are a lavender with pink highlights. Late season bloomer with dark green foliage.
- lavender H x W - 10" x 1' 3G

Astilbe, Ellie

Astilbe japonica 'Ellie'
This shade - loving perennial features pure white plumes of flowers to 2' in early spring along with dark green foliage. Use in woodland garden or near water features. Good in containers as well.
- white H x W - 24" x 2' 3G

Astilbe, Erica
Astilbe x arendsii 'Erica'
Light heather pink plumes with deep red stems, Bronze-red new foliage turns deep green by summer's end. July bloom time.
- light pink H - 32"                     3G    

Astilbe, Fanal
Astilbe x arendsii 'Fanal'
A stunning perennial with deep red flowers over reddish-bronze foliage.  Bloom time is June-July.
- red H x W -24"x24"                           3G    

Astilbe, Glow
Astilbe x arendsii 'Glow'
The name says it all for this Astilbe. Narrow bright red plumes 'glow' atop this 2.5' tall perennial.
- red H x W - 2.5' x 2.5' 3G

Astilbe, Peach Blossom
Astilbe  japonica 'Peach Blossom'
A June blooming perennial with delicate peach plumes that contain a hint of pink.  Glossy green foliage.
-  peach H x W - 24"x24"                      3G    

Astilbe, Rheinland
Astilbe  japonica 'Rheinland'
An early blooming perennial with mounding, deeply cut, dark green foliage that boasts airy, pale pink flower spikes from mid May into late June.
- pink H x W - 30"-30"                           3G    

Astilbe, Sprite

Astilbe simplicifolia 'Sprite'
This dwarf perennial boasts pretty light pink flower spikes on a small mound of bronzy foliage.
- light pink H x W - 1' x 1' 3G

Azalea, Conversation Piece
Rhododendron 'Conversation Piece'
Evergreen with widely funnel-shaped wavy  blooms that vary in color among flowers from rosy-pink to white.  Some blossoms can be spotted.  Late midseason bloom time.
-pink to white H x W - 2'x3'                           3G     

Azalea, Delaware Valley White

Rhododendron ‘Delaware Valley White’
A Glenn Dale hybrid, Delaware Valley White has pure white flowers in late May. Cold-hardiness and large flowers are the keys to these hybrids.
- white H x W - 2 - 2.5’ x 2’ 3G

Azalea, Girard's Crimson

Rhododendron ‘Girard's Crimson'
A beautiful evergreen azalea with large red flowers in late May. Large glossy leaves & compact habit.
- red H x W - 3 - 4’ 3G

Azalea, Girard's Rose

Rhododendron ‘Girard's Rose'
A beautiful evergreen azalea with large rosy red flowers in early May. Large glossy leaves & compact habit.
- rosy red H x W - 3 - 4’ 3G

Azalea, Hardy Gardenia

Rhododendron ‘Hardy Gardenia'
A pretty Azalea with double white flowers blooms in mid May.
- white H x W - 3 - 4’ 3G

Azalea, Helen Curtis
Rhododendron "Helen Curtis"
White, widely funnel-shaped, semi-double blooms over glossy, yellow-green leaves.  Upright, rounded habit with late midseason bloom time.
- white H x W - 2'x2                           3G    

Azalea, Herbert
Rhododendron 'Herbert'
A spreading, medium-sized, evergreen variety with deep purple, hose-in-hose flowers.  Spring blooming.
- purple H x W - 4'x5'                           3G    

Azalea, Hino Crimson
Rhododendron 'Hino Crimson'
An evergreen azalea with crimson flowers in late May to early June.  Handsome bronze-red winter foliage.
- crimson  H x W - 3' - 4'                           15-18"    

Azalea, Klondyke

Rhododendron ‘Klondyke'
A beautiful evergreen azalea with large rosy red flowers in early May. Large glossy leaves & compact habit.
- orange H x W - 3 - 4’ 3G

Azalea, Kaempo

Rhododendron ‘Kaempo'
A beautiful evergreen azalea with large rosy red flowers in late May to June. One of the hardiest petite Azaleas.
- rosy red H x W - 3 - 4’ 3G

Azalea, Lady Robin

Rhododendron ‘LadyRobin'
A beautiful evergreen azalea with large white flowers that have variable pink in them. Blooms late May. A Robin Hill hybrid.
- pink / white H x W - 3 x 5'’ 3G

Azalea, Pleasant White

Rhododendron ‘Pleasant White'
A beautiful evergreen azalea with white flowers in mid to late May. Compact habit.
- white H x W - 3 - 4’ 3G

Azalea, Rosebud
Rhododendron 'Rosebud'
A dense, spreading evergreen shrub with double, hose-in-hose pink flowers that bear an uncanny resemblance to roses or carnations. A midseason bloomer.
- pink H x W - 3'-3'                           3G    

Azalea, Stewartsonian

Rhododendron ‘Stewartsonian'
A favorite of many, this Azalea has brick red flowers & beautiful mahogany-red foliage in winter.
- red H x W - 5 x 5’ 3G

Azalea, Tradition
Rhododendron Kurume 'Tradition'
An early-blooming, evergreen variety with pink blossoms.
- pink  H x W - 4'x6'                         3G, 15"-18"    

Azalea, Wintergreen
Rhododendron 'Wintergreen'
Deep pink, tubular flowers with wavy edges and strong red spotting on the upper three lobes.  A low, spreading habit with moderate olive-green leaves.
- pink/red H x W - 15"x24"                            3G    

Azalea, Yaku
Rhododendron 'Yaku'
A late-bloomer with a mounding habit and long, glossy deep-green leaves.  White flowers with slightly frilly lobes that are occasionally flushed strong pink with a red blotch or streaks.
- white H x W - 2'x4'                         3G    

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Last Updated: July 10, 2023