Baldcypress |
Taxodium distichum |
Truly distinctive with needle-form, medium-green,
deciduous foliage that spirals around it's thin, upright-growing stems in a
stately, pyramidal shape. |
H x W - 70'x30' |
N |
2.5" |
Bamboo, Dwarf Heavenly |
Nandina domestica 'Compacta' |
Not a true bamboo, this plant is actually related
to Barberry. Upright, lacy habit with coppery new growth that matures to
bright green. In fall, red berries are set against reddish-purple foliage. Tolerates drought & some
salt. |
- white |
H x W - 4'x3' |
3G |
Bamboo, Firehouse Dwarf Purple |
Nandina domestica nana 'Firehouse' |
Not a true bamboo, this plant is actually related to
Barberry. A dwarf variety with bright green spring foliage that turns fiery red fall through winter. |
H x W - 2'x1.5' |
3G |
Crimson Pygmy |
Berberis thunbergii var.
atropurpurea ‘Crimson Pygmy’ |
This purple - leaved Barberry shows its best color in full sun. Tolerant of a wide variety of conditions.
Use en masse or with whites & yellows. |
H x W - 2’ x 3’ |
3G |
Helmond Pillar |
Berberis thunbergii var.
atropurpurea ‘Helmond Pillar’ |
This interesting form of burgundy leaved Barberry has a
narrow upright 'pillar' shape to it. |
H x W - 2’ x 3’ x 18" |
3G |
Barberry, Rosey
Glow |
Berberis thunbergii var.
atropurpurea ‘Rosey Glow’ |
This Barberry differentiates itself from the others in having pink and white Variegation on its new growth. Larger than Crimson Pygmy. |
H x W - 4-6' |
3G |
Barberry, Royal Burgundy |
Berberis thunbergii var.
atropurpurea ‘Royal Burgundy’ |
Royal Burgundy possesses the darkest leaf color of our three selections. Slightly smaller than Crimson Pygmy. |
H x W - 2’ x 3’ |
3G |
Barberry, William Penn |
Berberis x gladwynensis ‘William Penn’ |
A dense, mounding Barberry at 4’ tall, William Penn is an evergreen with a bronze winter color. |
H x W - 4’ x 4’ |
3G |
Roseum |
Epimedium youngianum 'Roseum' |
A pretty little perennial with heart shaped leaves &
delicate pink flowers. Bronzy new foliage. Great as a groundcover |
- pink |
H x W - 8" |
3G |
Northern |
Myrica pensylvanica |
This native shrub produces fragrant berries once used for
candles. Somewhat drought, flooding & salt tolerant. Great for naturalizing. |
H x W - 10’ |
N |
5G |
Bearberry |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi |
This low, spreading groundcover tolerates salt & drought
well. Will grow in dry soil. Beautiful fall color. |
- pink/white |
H x W - 1' x 5’+ |
N |
1G |
Husker's Red |
Penstemon 'Husker's Red' |
A perennial with unusual burgundy foliage, this one won the
'96 Perennial of the Year Award. Drought tolerant. |
- white |
H x W - 3' |
3G |
Purple |
Callicarpa dichotoma |
An interesting shrub with arching branches & striking
purple berries in fall. Drought-tolerant; will grow in dry soil. |
- pink |
H x W - 4’ - 6' x 4' |
3G |
Balm, Jacob Kline |
Monarda didyma 'Jacob Kline' |
This perennial has funky red flowers & a long bloom time.
Will grow in moist to occasionally wet soil. Naturalizes. |
- red |
H x W - 2 - 4'’ |
N |
3G |
Balm, Marshall's Delight |
Monarda didyma 'Marshall's Delight' |
This Bee Balm has pink flowers. See above for more info. |
- pink |
H x W -3 - 4' |
N |
3G |
Balm, Petite Delight |
Monarda x 'Petite Delight' |
A smaller version of Bee Balm, this one seems to have
denser flower heads & bright pink flowers. |
- pink |
H x W - 12-15" |
N |
3G |
Purple Fountain Weeping |
Fagus sylvatica 'Purple Fountain' |
A striking accent plant, Purple Fountain maintains a very
narrow shape with pendulous branches & bronzy purple foliage. Typical grey
Beech bark. |
H x W - 14 x 2' |
6 - 7' |
Bellflower, Bernice |
Campanula trachelium 'Bernice' |
This lovely perennial has double purple - blue flowers in early summer.
Well - drained soil. |
- lavender - blue |
H x W - 2' x 1' |
2G |
Bellflower, Birch Hybrid |
Campanula x 'Birch Hybrids' |
Old fashioned, long-blooming perennial with
nodding blue bell-shaped flowers over attractive green foliage. Blooms in
July. |
- blue |
H x W - 8"-8" |
3G |
Birch, Asian Whitespire |
Betula platyphylla var. japonica
'Whitespire' |
A pyramidal habit with thin branches and paper white bark describe this Birch. Bronze Birch Borer - resistant. Not tolerant of wet soil. Heat, wind, drought tolerant.
Well - drained soil. |
H x W - 40' x 15' |
15' |
Birch, Heritage River |
Betula nigra 'Heritage' (Cully) |
This cultivar of River Birch has more colorful coppery tan peeling bark and is resistant to Bronze Birch Borer. Heat , but not drought - tolerant.
Low pH |
H x W - 40'+ x 20'+ |
N |
6 - 8' |
8 - 10' |
Birch, River |
Betula nigra |
Creamy copper & brown peeling bark make this an attractive specimen tree.
Can also plant in a cluster to create a 'grove' effect. Multi - stemmed or a single trunk. Prune in summer to avoid excessive bleeding of sap. Heat - but not drought - tolerant.
Low pH |
H x W - 40'+ x 20' |
N |
Various |
Susan, Goldsturm |
Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii 'Goldsturm' |
Black Eyed Susan produces an abundance of yellow flowers
with brown eyes in late summer. Tolerates some drought & salt. |
- yellow; late summer |
H x W - 2'+ |
3G |
Blanket flower,
Fanfare |
Gaillardia 'Fanfare' |
This brand new, unusual perennial has the usual
Blanket flower colors of orange, yellow & maroon but with each petal shaped
like a tiny trumpet. A hot new one!! Bloom profusely all summer. |
- orange/red |
H x W - 12" |
2G |
Blanket flower,
Goblin |
Gaillardia 'Goblin' |
Goblin has red flowers with yellow petal tips & a small
stature. |
- yellow / red |
H x W - 8 - 12" |
3G |
Star, Floristan White |
Liatris spicata 'Floristan White' |
Also known as Gay Feather, this native has white
candle-like flowers & is an absolute butterfly magnet! Drought tolerant. |
- white |
H x W - 18 - 36" |
3G |
Blazing Star,
Kobold |
Liatris spicata 'Kobold' |
The purple version of Blazing Star. See above for more
info. |
- purple |
H x W - 18 - 36" |
3G |
Bleeding Heart, Zestful |
Dicentra 'Zestful' |
This graceful perennial has deep green ferny foliage and pink flowers. Ever blooming; more tolerant of heat.
Well - drained soil |
- pink; April - frost |
H x W - 12 - 15" x 12" |
2G |
Bleeding Heart,
Spectabilis |
Dicentra 'Spectabilis' |
This graceful perennial has deep green ferny foliage and pink flowers. Everblooming; more tolerant of heat.
Well - drained soil |
- pink; April - frost |
H x W - 12 - 15" x 12" |
3G |
Berkeley |
Vaccinium corymbosum 'Berkeley' |
This Blueberry produces fruit in midseason. Considered to
be a dessert - quality berry. Blueberries prefer acidic soil. Mulch to
retain moisture. It is said that Blueberries will fruit better if other
varieties are present. |
- white |
H x W - 6 - 12' |
N |
2G |
BlueJay |
Vaccinium corymbosum 'BlueJay' |
Another midseason fruiter. See above for cultural info. |
- white |
H x W - 6 - 12' |
N |
2G |
Blueberry, Brunswick |
Vaccinium angustifolium 'Brunswick' |
A vigorous low bush variety with superb
glossy, deep green foliage. Produces an abundance of pea-sized berries in
midsummer and scarlet-tinged burgundy fall foliage on colored branches. |
- white |
H x W - 12"x3' |
Earliblue |
Vaccinium corymbosum 'Earliblue' |
This edible Blueberry has very early medium - sized fruit.
See above for cultural info. |
- white |
H x W - 6 - 12' |
N |
2G |
Blueberry, Northblue |
Vaccinium corymbosum 'Northblue' |
A semi-dwarf bush that fruits in midseason.
Compact, very ornamental and a great producer for northern regions, yielding 3-4
lbs of fruit per plant. |
- -white |
H x W - 2 1/2'x3' |
N |
2G |
Patriot |
Vaccinium corymbosum 'Patriot' |
Large, firm fruit in early to midseason. See above for
cultural info. |
- white |
H x W - 6 - 12' |
N |
2G |
Bluemist Spirea, Blue Mist |
Caryopteris x clandonensis "Blue Mist' |
A compact, mounding shrub with silvery green
foliage. Powdery blue, scented flowers bloom in late summer. |
- light
blue |
3G |
Spirea, Dark Knight |
Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Dark Knight' |
This variety of Caryopteris features darker violet - blue flowers with the same silvery green leaves. Beautiful, hardy shrub. |
- deep blue |
H x W - 3'+ x 3'+ |
3G |
Bluemist Spirea,
Grand Bleu |
Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Grand Bleu' |
This new Bluemist has vivid deep cobalt blue flowers & an
extended bloom time. Compact habit. |
- blue |
H x W - 2' |
3G |
Bluemist Spirea,
Longwood Blue |
Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Longwood Blue' |
This beautiful airy shrub produces pale blue flowers from late summer into fall. Very striking silvery foliage. Cut back hard in early spring to keep dense. |
- light blue |
H x W - 3'+ x 3'+ |
3G |
Bluemist Spirea,
Snow Fairy |
Caryopteris divaricata 'Snow Fairy' |
This new herbaceous perennial features green foliage with
white edges & wispy blue flowers in late summer. Drought tolerant; no wet
soils. |
- blue |
H x W - 2-3' |
2G |
Boltonia, (False Aster) Pink Beauty |
Boltonia asteroides 'Pink Beauty' |
Hundreds of soft pink daisies top fine-textured
silver-blue foliage in late summer. Undemanding, long-lived and tolerant
of a wide range of soil conditions. |
- pink |
H x W - 4'x3' |
3G |
Boneset |
Eupatorium perfoliatum |
- white |
H x W - 4' |
3G |
Boxwood, Common (American) |
Buxus sempervirens |
Dense evergreen shrub with slow growth rate. Use for hedging, topiary or to formalize an area. Mulch to protect surface roots pH6+ |
H x W - 10' - 15' after many years |
12 - 15" |
Boxwood, Chicagoland
Green |
Buxus microphylla 'Chicagoland Green' |
This Boxwood features a more rapid growth habit than Green
Velvet with great winter color. |
H x W - 2-3' |
15-18" 3G |
Dwarf English |
Buxus sempervirens 'Suffruticosa' |
This compact little Boxwood was once used for English knot
gardens & topiaries. Very slow growing. |
H x W - 3' |
12 - 15", 5G |
Boxwood, Green Ice |
Buxus 'Green Ice' |
An extremely hardy cultivar with a mounding habit
and blue-green new growth. |
H x W - 3'-3' |
3G |
Boxwood, Green Mountain |
Buxus microphylla 'Green Mountain' |
A distinctly upright and conical variety with a
broad base. Leaves will winter color to a bronze cast. |
H x W - 7'-5' |
18"-24", 2'-2.5' |
Boxwood, Green
Velvet |
Buxus microphylla var. koreana x B. sempervirens 'Green
Velvet' |
Green Velvet is a rounded slow - grower with dark green
leaves and good winter color. |
H x W - 4' x 4' |
15 - 18", 3G |
Korean |
Buxus microphylla var. koreana |
Good for northern winters, the leaves on this Box are rounder & glossier. Mulch to keep roots protected and cool. W/D soil. Protect from wind/low temps. |
H x W - 2 - 2.5' x 4' |
18 - 24" |
Newport Blue |
Buxus sempervirens 'Newport Blue' |
Dense, round shrub with blue - green leaves. Slow grower. |
H x W - 4' |
15-18" |
Boxwood, Vardar Valley |
Buxus sempervirens 'Vardar Valley |
A hardy, compact cultivar that is slow-growing
with blue-green foliage that is highly resistant to boxwood leafminer. |
H x W - 3'-6' |
15"-18" B&B |
Boxwood, Winter Gem |
Buxus microphylla 'Winter Gem' |
A fast-growing "little leaf" variety with
excellent winter hardiness. It's tight growing, easy to maintain and retains its
color well through the seasons. |
H x W - 4'-5' |
12"-15" |
Burning Bush |
Euonymus alatus |
This dense branching deciduous shrub has vivid red fall color; adaptable, can self - seed into other areas. Use for screen, massing. |
H x W - 6 - 8' x 5' |
B&B |
Burning Bush, Compact |
Euonymus alatus 'Compacta' |
This dense branching deciduous shrub has vivid red fall color; adaptable, can self - seed into other areas. Use for screen, massing. |
H x W - 6 - 8' x 5' |
7G |
Butterfly Bush,
Black Knight |
Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight' |
This large, arching shrub has deep purple flowers with an
orange eye. Will grow in moist soil. Drought tolerant. Cut back hard in
early spring. |
- purple |
H x W - 6-10' |
3G |
Butterfly Bush,
Moonshadow |
Buddleia davidii 'Moonshadow' |
This smaller Butterfly Bush, also known as Nanho Purple by
some, has pinkish purple blooms & a smaller habit. Cut back hard in early
spring. |
pink - purple |
H x W - 3 - 5' x 6' |
5G |
Butterfly Bush, Nahno Blue |
Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Blue' |
A smaller, dwarf variety that blooms profusely
from July through September with bluish-purple, cone-shaped flowers. Cut
back hard in early spring. |
- blue/purple |
H x W - 6'-6' |
3G |
Butterfly Bush,
Royal Red |
Buddleia davidii 'Royal Red' |
This dense branching deciduous shrub has vivid red fall color; adaptable, can self - seed into other areas.
Cut back hard in early spring. Use for screen, massing. |
- red - purple |
H x W - 8' x 6' |
3G |
Butterfly Bush,
White Profusion |
Buddleia davidii 'White Profusion' |
This dense branching deciduous shrub has bright white
flowers. Adaptable, can self - seed into other areas.
Cut back hard in early spring. Use for screen, massing. |
- white |
H x W - 6 - 10' |
3G |
Butterfly Weed |
Asclepias tuberosa "Butterfly Weed' |
Late to emerge but worth the wait, this native
perennial boasts a profusion of orange flowers from June to July. |
orange |
H x W - 36"x24" |
3G |